We had a good meeting yesterday. Interest is strong in creating something that involves the rest of the student body. We discussed a potential site under the stairway, an area with benches and a large window. This area is used for socializing, and the desire was expressed to not squelch that activity with our work.
The idea of mark-making was offered. Specifically, a wall for graffiti or some other cumulative personal expression that becomes an expression of the group. This reminds me of the field trip to the studios of Helmick and Schecter, and their sculptures of many individuals becoming a larger image that transcends the particles (people) from which it is composed.
Tomorrow we'll spend some time in the physical spaces where we might site our work, seeing what cues we can take from the spaces. We'll use the idea of graffiti as a stepping-off point to launch the conversation.

We need to appoint a notetaker so that good ideas don't get lost before they are fully considered and also a photographer so that we can begin to build documentation of our process.
We feel that some sort of wall which allows students to write what they feel would be perfect for the space in question. It would invoke a lot of support from the student body who might take pride in having some of what they feel/think put in place.
we need a zoo exhibit with a seal tank
umm i suggest that we put something where we can leave a mark somewhere that is permanent space. so we can see and /or go back to see what we wrote back then
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